Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples by Harville Hendrix I hope you all enjoyed the book and gained some insight. I certainly did. I have learned a lot in this book that’s helped me in my …
Boost Your Brain Health – The Holistic Way
There’s so much to gain from loving your brain! And it’s easy being green when it comes to caring for your brain’s mental and physical health. We’ve found that the keys to perking up your mood, …
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Why Water is The First Step to Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Drinking water helps you lose fat faster and keep it off longer. Our bodies are 50 to 75% water. Water is super important because it flushes toxins out of the body and helps supply nutrients from your …
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Getting the Love You Want
Nutrition is not just food. We should also feed our soul and mind daily. To be healthy in a holistic fashion means to be fulfilled and happy in all aspects of life, not just the foods we eat. Career, …
October Playlist – “Everybody got choices”
E-40 says “Everybody got choices”. You can choose to not do any activity and still lose weight (diet and lifestyle choices can do that), but there are so many benefits to even working out for 15 …
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Be The Epitome of Health for Your Loved Ones
I spoke to my grandma (the one who is still living) on Grandparents Day. She was telling me how much pain she was in because she just got out of surgery. They had to do surgery to replace the battery …
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