It appears that obesity is now the only legally accepted form of workplace discrimination.
Attorney Mark Mulick of Montclair
On today’s episode, we’re talking about the recent ruling made by a New Jersey judge that a 600-pound man who lost his job as a bus driver after failing repeated medical and physical evaluations cannot claim that he was discriminated against for being obese.
The impact of losing a job and then being at that weight looking for a job facing the very real weight discrimination that happens can have a huge effect on wealth building. According to the National Institutes of Health, weight discrimination in America has increased by 66% over the past decade and is comparable to racial discrimination. Employees who are affected by excess weight or obesity are less likely to get hired or be recommended for promotions compared to thinner employees. They are also faced with lower wages and increased risk of job termination based on their weight alone.
There is a solution for folks in this situation and we cover an action plan if you or someone you know is in a situation like this.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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// HOST Samantha Salmon
Certified Holistic Health Coach
// CO-HOST Dorrell Hylton Salmon
Mom, Wife, Hair Doctor, Beauty Parlor Counselor, Prayer Warrior
The information provided in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration, or the equivalent in your country. Any products/services mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. © 2019
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