I went to Erewon in Los Angeles recently because I didn’t want to drive all the way to Calabasas (it’s like a 45 minute drive from my home).
Erewon is my favorite health food store. They have all the new health products. Every type of food allergy you have, they have an alternative for you. They have raw gourmet dishes ready made and cooked vegan food options. Their food is delicious. They are just a comprehensive store with the best options and the one in Calabasas has THE best service and ambience.
However, this particular evening I wanted to save gas and time so I went to my closest Erewon in Los Angeles. I was so annoyed with my experience because the service is not the same. The ready made food was not properly labeled and the options were not as good. The team members were not as cordial as the staff at the Calabasas location yet the food was just as expensive.
It just reminded me that if I want to save time and money, I need to prepare my meals at home using the produce I get straight from the farm. These foods have no labels (other than the organic sticker) but I know what they are. I know they came from the soil and not some lab experiment. I don’t wait in line and I don’t have to deal with rude people.
In this podcast episode, you’ll learn:
🗣️ Some healthy ideas for Halloween treats
🗣️ About a new film that’s helping to advance health equity
🗣️ How to read and understand labels
Listen to the Full Episode:
Episode Resources:
🥭 I get Imperfect Produce delivered to my door. Here’s $10 to shop and create your imperfect box of organic fruits and veggies.
👩🏿🎓 NIH says Education Improves Public Health and Promotes Health Equity
👩🏿🎓 College Behind Bars
🏷️ NIH’s guide on how to read and understand labels
💞 Join the Facebook Group for support on your wellness journey
🧘🏿 Interested in becoming a health coach? Learn more about IIN
📖 My book, You Can Afford to Be Healthy
🍓 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge
🧘🏿 Schedule a free consultation
📧 E-mail me to submit a question and get featured on the Raw Food Health Empowerment Podcast
Book Recommendations:

// HOST Samantha Salmon
Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach and Ambassador of Health and Happiness
// CO-HOST Dorrell Hylton Salmon
Mom, Wife, Hair Doctor, Beauty Parlor Counselor, and Prayer Warrior
The information provided in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration, or the equivalent in your country. Any products/services mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
RawFoodMealPlanner.com © 2019
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