Old patterns and limiting beliefs could be controlling you on a daily basis, leading you to unhealthy foods that sabotage weight loss efforts or working against a healthy lifestyle.
We all have some set of limiting beliefs or fears we need to break through to get to our next level of becoming our best and healthiest self.
Are you truly living staying in the safe zone? Leaning into these fears and anxieties to overcome them is how you fully embrace the opportunity God gives us to become more ourselves as God intended. He is making a diamond from stone.
Jamila AKA The Soulful Veganista joins me today on the Raw Food Health Empowerment Podcast to discuss how to program our subconscious mind to become our healthiest self.
Listen, if you’re not rewiring the beliefs that are not supporting you on your journey to your goals, you are standing still. Life is good. Your body is meant to be at optimal health. It is working to get to balance and harmony even when you’re not paying attention. It’s asking you to assist in this effort by stepping up to the plate and doing the spiritual and emotional work necessary to take action on consistently eating clean.
Watch the full episode and learn how to do the work necessary within yourself to turn lethargy and stagnation into momentum to become your healthiest self:
Episode Resources:
🍊 Schedule a free consultation
🍊 Self Care Salon for Type 2 Diabetics
🔮 The Soulful Veganista on YouTube
🔮 Jamila on IG, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.com/_thesoulfulveganista
🔮 Jamila’s website
🎬 Watch Earthlings
💞 Join the Facebook Group for support on your wellness journey
🧘🏿 It’s not just a school. It’s a movement. Learn more about IIN.
📖 My book, You Can Afford to Be Healthy
📧 E-mail me to submit a question and get featured on the Raw Food Health Empowerment Podcast
Book Recommendation:
// HOST Samantha Salmon
Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach and Ambassador of Health and Happiness
The information provided in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration, or the equivalent in your country. Any products/services mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
RawFoodMealPlanner.com © 2020
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