On this episode of the Raw Food Health Empowerment Show, we discuss why vitamin B12 deficiency should not be an issue for health conscious vegans. There are resources below from Aris Latham who is a veteran at 71 years of age in the healthy food lifestyle space. He has been vegan for 49 years and raw vegan for 43 years.
Beyond B12 though, there are some critical things we do need to be mindful of for our health and well-being, which includes eating out at restaurants, even vegan restaurants.
Teflon is made up of fluorochemicals and is used to make non-stick, water resistant and oil repellent products and chemicals. Many restaurants could be using teflon coated pots and pans and this is an issue because this carcinogenic chemical leaches into food and the particles get released in the air. The chemical has been linked to many diseases such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon and rectal cancer, liver tumors, birth defects and infertility.
In this episode, you’ll also learn:
🗣️ What we’re putting in our smoothies this season
🗣️ How my mom got over her sugar addiction
🗣️ How to avoid nutritional deficiencies
Listen to the Full Episode:

Episode Resources:
💊 Aris Latham on B12
🥦 Get your iron levels up
🛋 Chemicals hiding in your home
🥭 Have amazing produce, delivered to your door. Here’s $10 to shop and create your box of organic goodness. You can thank me later 🙂
💞 Join the Facebook Group for support on your wellness journey
🧘🏿 Interested in becoming a coach? Learn more about IIN
📖 My book, You Can Afford to Be Healthy
🍓 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge
🧘🏿 Schedule a free consultation
📧 E-mail me to submit a question and get featured on the Raw Food Health Empowerment Podcast
Book Recommendation:

// HOST Samantha Salmon
Certified Holistic Health Coach and Ambassador of Health and Happiness
// CO-HOST Dorrell Hylton Salmon
Mom, Wife, Hair Doctor, Beauty Parlor Counselor, and Prayer Warrior
The information provided in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration, or the equivalent in your country. Any products/services mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
RawFoodMealPlanner.com © 2019
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