Alkaline Water is the best water available today (aside from pure spring water that’s collected in the wild at a pure spring).
Most people in industrialized countries are on the ACIDIC side of the pH scale due to suffering from toxicity created from over consumption of animal products, refined sugars, grains, starches, drugs (legal and illegal), and processed foods. An acidic environment is that in which disease thrives; it is where inflammation develops. Acid creates MUCUS!
Our bodies were created to be naturally alkaline (7.3pH). The state of alkalinity a state of optimal health and well-being. Our body temple can attain its original (alkaline) state by consuming natural, non-gmo, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and herbs, and drinking pure alkaline water daily.
Drinking alkaline water (that of above 7.0 pH) consistently, will help to raise the pH levels of the body and cause the tissues to throw off toxins. When the body becomes alkaline, the process of cleansing and detoxification is automatically induced.
I get my alkaline water from Earth’s Healing Cafe. Their alkaline water machine first thoroughly filters and purifies the water and then separates the alkaline minerals from the acid minerals. The water produced by the machine is of 9.5 pH (highly alkaline and antioxidant!).
You just wrote an article about water- I liked it. I have a question though.. The normal everyday person doesn’t have the opportunity to go to earth cafe every single time to stock up on alkaline water – we rather have the opportunity to drink well water, tap water, bottled water, etc. For those who just aren’t able to 1) make it to the earth cafe to stock up and pay $2/gallon, 2) don’t have a distiller or water filter, 3) work a 9-5 job life where everywhere we go and everything we do has tap water in it – how are supposed to adapt? And how does someone who doesn’t own and operate an organic, vegan, health foods store manage out in the real world when a simple jewel spring bottled water isn’t safe anymore?
Great points you brought up.
We have customers at Earth’s Healing Cafe who make it a point to bring their gallon jugs for refill to get water just like they would go to the store and buy water. For those who do not have access to a store they can get a refill of alkaline water, there are bottled alkaline water options nationwide. One that comes to mind that’s really good and you can get even if you are on a road trip is Fiji water.
If you drink tap water, I would recommend consuming lots of cilantro to pull out the heavy metals and activated charcoal to pull out the chemicals. Tap water is really the worst thing you could drink.
You could also invest money in an alkaline water machine.
You mention the fact that I own a raw organic juice bar a lot in the comment and I just want to say the business was born out of my husband and I’s lifestyle. We are using the business to promote what we know and how we live and lived before we opened the business. Before the business I was like everyone else with an 8-5 job, average salary and I shopped at Whole foods, Trader Joe’s, and Berkely Bowl (a huge green grocer in the Bay Area, CA). For what we put in and on our bodies, money is not a factor. You will spend the money anyhow in your lifetime, either before you get sick in a preventive way to avoid sickness and physical uncomfortability or after you get sick and have to pay thousands to overcome cancer, tumors, diabetes, etc because of bad choices prior to getting sick. It is a choice you make.
I know that firsthand with the passing of my grandmother. She slowly deteriorated from diabetes and food is not worth that. The pain she went through while home on hospice was something I could literally hear as I was getting through my first semester of college. The memories stay with me. It is a constant reminder that there really is no excuse. I need to do it or I can end up like her or worse. Death is not the worse to me. But the pain is. I really can’t stand pain.