I was shocked and saddened when I heard Erica Garner, at 27 years of age, passed away after being in a coma caused by an asthma attack.
Eric Garner made national news when he died after being placed in a chokehold by NYPD in 2014. Since then until her death in December of 2017, his daughter, Erica Garner, has been an activist part of the Black Lives Matter movement using her voice for social justice and even getting involved with politics, campaigning for Bernie Sanders in 2016. Both her and her dad had asthma, which played a role in their deaths. Erica had an asthma attack that caused a heart attack, which put her in a coma. She was in a coma for a couple days before being pronounced dead.
She was so young and on a mission to get justice for people like her dad so they don’t have to deal with the injustice he faced not being properly treated by police. Asthma cut her life too short.
If you have a loved one dealing with asthma and this was a wake up call for them, keep reading to get the 411 on this illness and what can be done about it.
What causes asthma?
Asthma is a respiratory disorder, 80% of which is caused by allergies, where the airways become inflamed with mucus.
Young children are being diagnosed with asthma and studies have found that pregnant women drinking cow’s milk put their babies at higher risk for developing allergies and asthma.
How should asthma be treated?
It can be treated and prevented with antioxidant rich foods (all plant foods are antioxidant rich) and by eliminating foods that cause irritation and mucus. Irritating foods can vary from person to person but they tend to be meat, dairy, and grains. Removing eggs and dairy are the priority based on the studies done on asthma relief.
Having proper gut bacteria is also important. Gut bacteria, collectively known as the gut microbiota or microbiome, lives inside of the digestive system and influences and improves a variety of health conditions, probably because it supports a strong immune system.
I broke down a step by step process to alleviate asthma symptoms, which you can download below. For those who have done all of the steps and are still suffering, fasting may help.
Your step by step guide to feel better

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