In Ayurvedic medicine, the human body is understood as being comprised of three life forces or energies called doshas. These are the vata dosha, the pitta dosha and the kapha dosha.
Vata Dosha
The vata dosha comprises of the elements of space and air and is considered the most powerful doshas. It regulates our basic bodily functions, such as cells division and controls our mind, breathing, blood flow, heart function and the ability to get rid of body waste through the intestines.
With vata dosha as your main life energy, you are at a greater risk of developing, Anxiety, Asthma, Heart disease, Nervous system disorders, Rheumatoid arthritis and skin problems.
People with a dominant vata dosha should avoid the following things in order to maintain balance:
- Eating dry fruit
- Eating too soon after a previous meal
- Fear
- Grief
- Staying up too late
Pitta Dosha
The pitta dosha is a mix of the fire and water elements and regulates, digestion, metabolism and specific hormones linked to appetite.
Persons with a dominant pitta dosha should avoid the following things in order to maintain balance:
- Eating sour foods
- Eating spicy foods
- Fatigue
- Spending too much time in the sun
With pitta dosha as your main life energy, you are at a greater risk of developing, anger and negative emotions, Crohn’s disease, Heart disease, Heartburn, High blood pressure and infections.
Kapha Dosha
The kapha dosha is based on the water and earth elements and regulates, muscle growth, body strength and stability, weight and immune system.
Individuals with a dominant kapha dosha should avoid the following things in order to maintain balance:
- Daytime sleeping
- Eating on a full stomach
- Eating or drinking items that have too much salt or water
- Eating too many sweet foods
- Greed
Having the kapha dosha as your main life energy means that you are at a greater risk of developing Asthma and other breathing disorders, Cancer, Diabetes, Nausea and Obesity.
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