If you want belly fat to disappear, you have to:
- Do your cardio workouts in the plan. I always post it on the site in the meal plans under the day it should be done so wherever you are you can access it at anytime.
- Eat the right protein. The right protein is bio-available protein found in plant foods: fruits, veggies, seaweeds (like Spirulina), seeds, and nuts.
- Use apple cider vinegar. Vinegar produces protein that burns fat. It is a great addition to most salads, so this is easy to get in daily.
- Lower your stress. Do yoga (I highly recommend Candice’s restorative yoga class). Get a massage. Ravenswood Health Center has some nice options and kind and friendly staff.
- Get your rest and make it consistent. 8 hours seem to be the most popular number for restful sleep but get as much sleep that works for you. Each body is different so listen to yours and it will guide you. Make sure it is consistent 7 days a week no matter what.
images courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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