If you have trouble maintaining consistent happiness, what you may not realize is that happiness can be affected by food choices and exercise. Research has found that there are nutrients found in food which benefit our overall well-being. Not only does our diet affect our weight, but also our overall health, both physical and mental.
Serotonin is a chemical created by the human body. It works as a neurotransmitter, helping the body to maintain a balanced mood. Serotonin helps to regulate appetite, migraines, body temperature and the perception of pain. A lack of serotonin is known to contribute to depression. The relation to depression is one of the main reasons why this chemical is considered important for improving our mood and our overall happiness.
There are many ways by which we can boost our serotonin level naturally. This can be done through eating the right foods and exercise.
Although this can sometimes be very hard for us to commit to, we should always make time for exercise as it promotes our body’s production of serotonin. Set aside at minimum 15-20 minutes per day for exercise. This will help to curb your sweet cravings and improve your general mood. And if you do have a craving for something sweet, snack on as much fruit as you want. Fruit is rich in water and fiber and will not add weight but will leave you satisfied. Fruit, as well as nuts and vegetables, are great for boosting serotonin levels.
For ideas on how to maintain a high raw diet and exercise regimen, follow the meal plans where meal ideas and exercise videos are all planned out each week. Having a plan is crucial to sticking to the plan!
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