I’m really passionate about making my living space into a Zen space. I like to bring nature in with plants and lots of sunlight. I have hardwood floors and cabinetry and exposed brick. My home has a treehouse feel since I live on the third floor of a walk-up and there are lots of trees in my neighborhood.
I call my kitchen “the healing kitchen”, a term I got from Queen Afua. All that I do in that kitchen has a purpose of nurturing my body. In kind, my bathroom and bedroom are my personal spa space, where I utilize aromatherapy and perform my beauty rituals.
To keep the spa feel, I have to keep my place clean but like so many others I have an extremely busy schedule. However, this life hack of cleaning for 20 minutes daily a different room has really helped me get a handle on things. A clear clean living space equates to a clear healthy mind.
Give this plan a try and tell me if it works for you or not. What life hacks do you swear by to keep your home looking spotless?

Source: Fix.com
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