“What do Black women worry about? The answer depends on how you ask the question. You already know that if you call them worries, some Black women will deny that any exist. But when you ask about concerns or things that bother them a lot, most Black women will list the following items: money, work or discrimination on the job, children, romantic or marital relationships, housing (mortgage, adequate housing)”
~Soothe Your Nerves: The Black Woman’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic, and Fears by Angela M. Neal-Barnett
I started making money when I was 12 years old, working for my mom as her assistant. She ran her hair salon and I would help with administrative tasks and cleaning. I used that money to buy my barbie computer games. I also saved some of the money because that’s what my mom and grandma taught me to do.
My mom and grandmother were and have been great money managers. They both came to America from a small rural town outside of Montego Bay, Jamaica. Some would call the upbringing poor or poverty level, but my grandmother’s financial ingenuity helped to seed the homes some of her children now own. My mom’s financial prowess put both my brother and I through private schooling and college, bought a house which she owns outright (aka no mortgage), bought a car, and had money left over for a nanny, two kitchens fully stocked with food and travel. We had a great childhood because they were smart with their money. So I learned and continued the practice of managing a budget.
How to alleviate money worries…
- Have a plan aka budget
- Execute the plan aka stay within your budget
Today’s guest, Gwendolyn Juleus, is the Host of the “Manage Money Build Wealth God’s Way” podcast. She is a retired military veteran who used her career in the military to achieve her goal of FIRE (financial independence retire early) by the age of 40! One thing you’ll notice in this interview is her pressing the use of a budget. It’s the swiss army knife of financial success.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Episode Resources:
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Gwen’s Manage Money Build Wealth God’s Way podcast
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Book Recommendations:
// HOST Samantha Salmon
Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach and Ambassador of Health and Happiness
// CO-HOST Dorrell Hylton Salmon
Mom, Wife, Hair Doctor, Beauty Parlor Counselor, and Prayer Warrior
The information provided in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration, or the equivalent in your country. Any products/services mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
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