For the past 7 years on my vegan journey, I’ve been exposed to the raw food movement, plant-based living and herbs via many teachers, including Cafe Gratitude, Dr. Sebi, Djehuty Ma’at-Ra, Dr. Neal Barnard, and my husband/herbalist Akin Olokun. Living a holistic lifestyle has been my life for 7 years and I have learned a lot and experienced the power of plants for myself.
I opened Earth’s Healing Cafe with my husband in 2011 and many of our customers have asked me what I eat and what I use on my skin, etc. That was the inspiration to start where I e-mail out exactly what I eat each week and I blog about my healthy holistic lifestyle in an effort to help others who realize filling their bodies with toxic chemicals internally and externally is not wise but don’t know how to make a change.
In 2015, I decided to get certified as a health coach and lay the framework for taking my knowledge and implementing it into a system to really help people make lifestyle changes. It is one thing to tell someone what to do but some need you to show them how to make it happen for them. Everyone has obstacles, whether physical or mental, that deter them from making necessary changes. I found what I was looking for at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC, my hometown.
This school is not only wonderful because you can attend from wherever you are in the world, but the guest speakers are amazing and some of them are people I follow on a regular basis. I have been exposed to so much in the program and met some amazing like-minded people. The best part of the program is the emphasis on primary foods, which are all the aspects of life that feed us on a spiritual and emotional level. It goes beyond food. This makes the program unique and to me really holistic.
If you’re curious about how the online learning actually works? Check out this short video all about the Integrative Nutrition Student Experience.
It walks you through…
•What to expect as a student at the school
•The online Learning Center
•The founding principles of the curriculum
•The resources the school provides to help people build a career in the health and wellness industry
If you want to chat with the school about anything you heard after watching the video, give the school a call at (877) 210-0785. If you decide to sign up, make sure to mention my name (Samantha Salmon) and get a discount. I’m an ambassador for the school so I can give away these generous gifts of discounts off the program.
This program has broadened my nutrition knowledge, in terms of providing the scientific research for all the things I already knew, as well as exposed me to some new ideas and theories that are out there. It is a wonderful one year journey. It will definitely change your life in an awesome way as it did mine.
Hi Samantha, I stumbled onto your podcast after having watched a dr Bobby price podcast. I love the fact that I found you. Your skin looks like silk and I just love hearing you talk about the benefits of raw food and your eating habits. I am interested in having you coach me as I would like to go 100% raw but am in a difficult living arrangement right now and I just don’t know how to make it work.
Thank you for your kind words, and I’m really glad you found the podcast helpful! It sounds like you’re motivated to go 100% raw, but your living situation is creating some obstacles. Let’s explore that a bit.
What is it about your current living arrangement that makes going fully raw feel challenging?
How does your environment affect your ability to prepare or access raw food?
What have you already tried to work around these challenges?
Are there any small changes you could make in your current setup that would support your raw food goals?
Let me know where you feel stuck, and we can explore some possible ways forward together.