“Researchers from the Sinai Institute last year analyzed breast cancer cases in the country’s 25 largest cities and found that African-American women with breast cancer were, on average, 40 percent more likely to die of their disease than white women. In the United States, the disparity in breast cancer survival translates to about 1,700 additional deaths each year — or about five more black women dying every day.
Memphis, population 655,000, is more than two-thirds black, and more than a quarter of its residents are poor. “When you look at any epidemiological study, Memphis is often the epicenter of virtually any disease, be it diabetes, heart failure — there are a lot of health issues here,” Dr. Rafalski said. “But for breast cancer to be as bad as it is — that’s why everyone came to the table and said, ‘We have to do something.’ ””
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/20/health/tackling-a-racial-gap-in-breast-cancer-survival.html
These statistics are really upsetting. There’s a lot that can be done in the community around prevention, but change starts with you.
Learn and apply what the nutrition world has to offer on cancer prevention to reduce your risk of cancer. This course is the same program I’ve used with clients who’ve had cancer, either they were fighting it or had just overcome the big scare of surgery and embarking on the recovery phase. This free course includes workbooks, exercises and resources to set the foundation for optimal wellness.
I walk you step-by-step through how to:
- Meal plan
- Select the right water to drink
- Create a healthy living environment
- Start exercising again
- Get more quality sleep on a consistent basis
- Find the time to do all of what is important to your health
- Obtain a crucial vitamin for cancer prevention
- Create a mindset for success
Get Started Below
Reduce Your Cancer Risk: A Free 10 Day Course

Strengthen your immune system, your natural defense against cancer.